Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First day of preschool

For about a month or so the twins, especially Kristin, have been asking when they get to go to school again. Derek started school 4 weeks ago...they still had to wait. The day finally came today and the preparation started last night. It first started with picking out what to wear today, then baths. Normally, it's a struggle to get them to take a bath. Kristin complains that it shortens her day when she has to take a bath. Shawn just doesn't want to stop what he's doing to get in the tub. Last night was no different until I said he needed to take a bath because he had school today. His response was, "Oh Yeah! Get out of my way!"

This morning went smoothly. Got loaded up in the car and off we went to school. They walked through the routine of getting settled in their classroom quickly, like they'd done it a 100 times before. No tears, just hugs and "I love you, Mom". I dropped Derek off at school next and as I watched him walk across the playground, I felt a full range of emotion...pride, happy, excited and a little bit sad at how fast they have all grown.

I returned 3 hours later to get Kristin and Shawn and was greeted with smiles that were just as big as when I dropped them off. Kristin said, "That was the best day ever!"

I hope this year goes slowly because I am not going to be ready for them to go to elementary school next year. I know, I know...it's going to go just as fast as all the other years. I just wish I could slow it down a little. They grow up way too fast!
Putting their snacks in the cubbies

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