Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone...

This last school year I found myself feeling very comfortable in my surroundings. I had the support of all my friends and the comfort of knowing my way around my home town. Even with taking care of 3 kids on my own I felt at ease and comfortable. I learned a lot about myself in the last year, especially just how tough I am and what I can handle. At the end of June I was thrown in to unfamiliar surroundings, and lost my network of friends. I have spent the last 6 weeks trying to find a new comfort zone. What I have found is that it is not as easy or simple as I thought it would be. I found myself feeling very alone and isolated. Two emotions I haven't been familiar with in quite some time. I also found that being 1800 feet higher takes a toll on your body. I found the activities that I had no problem doing in Montana were challenging in Colorado. That took some getting use to and was frustrating. Luckily, I was able to work through that and now feel I am back to my "normal" fitness level. I am thankful for the few friends that have stayed by me and supported me through this tough time.

picnic at museum
Mars sand
I am happy that the kids have settled in to their new surroundings and have enjoyed their summer. Derek found friends within a few days of being in the new home. Kristin and Shawn both have found playmates. Our new neighborhood is full of kids of all ages which has been fun for the kids.  We hit some of the fun attractions in Denver in the 6 weeks before school started. I think Water World was one of the all time favorites. After spending 7 hours there we still didn't see half the park. I was surprised at how brave all the kids were. Shawn went on a ride 3 times that was a little scary and I decided one time was enough for Heritage Square was another fun filled place with many amusement park rides including an Alpine slide. Derek decided he didn't want to do that  The kids and I also explored the Denver Museum of Science. That had many attractions that were interesting and fun. The space odessey seemed to be the kids' favorite. Shawn really enjoyed the sand of Mars, red sand and water....what could be more fun than that?
Turbo slide

This summer in Colorado has been very hot but I've been told by the people that live here that it's not usually this hot.  I'm still trying to get use to being closer to the sun. Even after going through a whole bottle of sunscreen, we've all had our share of sunburns. I'm actually looking forward to the cooler weather of Fall.

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